The Easiest Reusable Packaging in the World

RePack is a ground-breaking, multiple times rewarded start-up company, changing the way we think about packaging. And they are friends of ours!
We needed to introduce a whole new buying-returning-refunding system, to show tangibly how it works both from the consumers' and online store’s point of view. It was also essential to present the ecological aspect of re-using without too much guilt-tripping. So basically we needed a Swiss army knife for the video.
We showcased the process using close up shots and fast-paced editing. The impression is that RePack is simple and quick to use. You (as a customer) have the voucher, the online store has the customership, and the packaging is used again and again, saving resources and nature. How to make absolutely sure that everyone realises that the package in its 3rd or 6th or 11th run is still the exact same package? Obviously making it personal, by letting a small girl draw onto it!